Example of the method of locally updated planes

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In this example, we find a reaction path on the Müller potential using the method of locally updated planes

See also:

  • Ulitsky, A., & Elber, R. (1990). A new technique to calculate steepest descent paths in flexible polyatomic systems. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 92(2), 1510. doi:10.1063/1.458112

  • Müller, K. (1980). Reaction paths on multidimensional energy hypersurfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 19(1), 1–13. doi:10.1002/anie.198000013

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from potential import Potential
from path import Path

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

First, we set up the potential energy function

In [2]:
potential = Potential()

Next, we initialize the reaction path by declaring the location of the reactant and the product as well as the number of nodes in the path.

The variable threshold determines the convergence criterion for the method. The smaller its value, the longer the method will take to converge.

In [3]:
reactant = np.array([0.623499, 0.028038])
product = np.array([-0.558233, 1.441716])
num_nodes = 10
threshold = 1e-4
path = Path(reactant, product, num_nodes, potential, threshold)

Finally, we iteratively refine the initial path until convergence is attained.

In [4]:
for p in iter(path):
Current energy: -569.692
Current energy: -626.678
Current energy: -627.712
Current energy: -627.721

Another example joining two of the metastable states.

We add some random perturbation to the initial linear interpolation between the endpoints.

In [5]:
reactant = np.array([0.623499, 0.028038])
product = np.array([0.0, 0.5])
num_nodes = 10
threshold = 5e-4
path = Path(reactant, product, num_nodes, potential, threshold)
# Add random noise to the initial, linear interpolant.
perturbation = 1e-1 * (2.0 * np.random.rand(num_nodes - 2, 2) - 1.0)
path.points[1:-1, :] += perturbation
for p in iter(path):
Current energy: -680.023
Current energy: -682.783
Current energy: -686.903
Current energy: -691.551
Current energy: -696.878
Current energy: -699.338
Current energy: -700.14
Current energy: -700.568
Current energy: -700.781